Conference Presentations

Presenting and conferences is opportunity to showcase your experiences in your field of work. I have been able to present as part of a team and solo at the Northwest Managers of Educational Technology (NW/MET) several times. I have also co-presented for the Arbor Day Foundation National Conference. 

NW/MET  2017

Carroll College in Helena, Montana

If not you…who? Empowering Instructors to Meet ADA Standards

In this presentation, LCSC e-Learning Services will share how they developed a timeline and resources to address accessibility in online courses. The purpose of e-Learning Services’ work is to make meeting ADA standards an achievable goal for instructors who teach online. With limited funds and limited “man power,” the responsibility of making content accessible falls to individual instructors. To reach this goal, e-Learning Services created a “Universal Design for Learning” resource portal that provides training about accessibility standards and training for the technology tools used to meet those standards. Join us as we discuss our process, challenges, and successes in this ongoing endeavor.

All SySTEMs Go!.mp4

NW/MET 2018

Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon

Lightening Round Presentation

All SySTEMs Go!

Provide the Math and Science tutoring students need even if they can’t make it to the campus Tutoring Center. Learn how LCSC uses technology to connect with students for online tutoring sessions.

NW/MET 2019

University of Nevada Las Vegas

Play Games. Become a Leader.

Games are fun, but they are also a stealthy way to learn. We learn better when we are engaged, and what’s more engaging than having a good time? This session will have you participate in games that can improve the leadership qualities of you and your team members.

Arbor Day Foundation - Tree Campus Higher Education - Virtual Conference 2021

Tree Walks to Reduce Stress 

In 2020, Lewis-Clark State College's Tree Campus service learning project focused on using tree walks to reduce stress in our student population. LCSC professors Dr. Rhett Diessner and Dr. Rachelle Genthos, and their undergraduate research assistants studied the stress relieving qualities of taking a 10 minute “tree walk” on campus. Learn about the methods used and results of their project.

Podcast to Promote 2022 NW/MET Conference

Higher Ed AV Podcast

Episode 160


Podcast dedicated to building the AV/IT tech manager community in higher education through discussions on classroom technology and audiovisual support.  Host Joe Way (USC) sits down with conference planners Raul Burriel (Oregon State University), Carrie Kyser (Lewis-Clark State College), and Cassidy Hall (University of Idaho) to discuss the schedule and why we should all attend!