"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death."

– Albert Einstein


Bachelors in Landscape Architecture

Landscape architecture combines art and science. It is the profession that designs, plans and manages our land. I received a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLA) degree from Kansas State University in 2007. Today, that program has morphed into master's degree, and continues to be a national recognized program.

Secondary Degree in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

The natural resources and environmental sciences (NRES) secondary major prepares students to apply broadly-based scientific knowledge to the use, management, sustainability, and quality of soil, air, water, mineral, biological, and energy resources. I received my Secondary Degree in NRES concurrently with my BLA in 2007. During my studies in NRES, I focused on sustainability, geomorphology, and fluvial systems.

Masters in Education

Gaining a Master of Education in Educational Leadership prepared me to be a multidimensional leader through experiences integrating theory and practice. The program's purpose is to develop transformational leaders who possess a strong understanding - grounded in leadership theory. I earned my M.Ed. while working full-time as an instructional designer. I graduated in 2021.

Continuing Education

  • Certificate in Grant Proposal Writing (Fort Hays State University)

  • Quality Matters

  • TechSmith Certification - Snagit